minimum version is v2.9.0
Last updated
minimum version is v2.9.0
Last updated
Before reading this page, please make sure you've set up your AdMob account.
Admob Bubble Examples:
Admob Interstitial Ad - https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=admob_interstitial&id=nativelyqa&tab=tabs-1
iOS UnitId - test unitId 'ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716' or your own.
Android UnitId - test unitId 'ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111' or your own.
Position - TOP, BOTTOM
Size Type - AUTO, CUSTOM
Banner Width - Will be applied only with Size Type is CUSTOM
Banner Height - Will be applied only with Size Type is CUSTOM
Preload Ad on Initialize - load ad on initialization
Show Ad on Initialize - display ad on initialization
Did finish setup - when banner finished setup and ready to load ad
Did record click - when the user click on the banner ad
Did fail to receive ad - when loading ad failed (can be called after Load Ad action)
Did load ad - when ad loading is finished and now banner is ready to be displayed (called after Load Ad action)
Did hide banner
Did show banner
Did record impression - when the user saw an ad
Banner Is Ready
Latest Event - the latest event that was received from app:
Latest Error Message
Banner Is Visible - yes/no (show/hide banner)
Ad Is Loaded - yes/no (when ad loading is finished)
Show Banner
Hide Banner
Load Ad
Check Banner Visible - Check if the banner ad is currently visible
Check Banner Ready - Check if the banner ad is currently ready to load the ad
How to use?
Make sure you've set up Admob for your app
(Do not forget to rebuild app)
Add Natively - Banner element on the page
Fill element fields
The Banner will set up automatically on the page load
(if 'Preload Ad' is disabled) Listen to event 'Did finish setup' event and call 'Load Ad' action
(if 'Show Ad' is disabled) Listen to 'Did load ad' event and then call 'Show banner' action
iOS UnitId - test unitId 'ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716' or your own.
Android UnitId - test unitId 'ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111' or your own.
Auto Ad Reload - automatically loaded new ad after 'Did dismiss ad' event. You will be notified once it's ready with 'Did load ad' event.
Did Load Ad - when ad view finished setup and ready to be displayed
Did record click - when the user click on the banner ad
Did fail to present - when presenting of ad failed (can be called after 'Show Ad' action)
Did fail to load ad - when loading of ad failed (can be called after 'Load Ad' action)
Did show ad - ad view displayed to user
Did dismiss ad - user dismiss ad view
Did record impression - when the user saw an ad
Interstitial Is Ready - when ad view ready to be displayed
Latest Event - the latest event that was received from app:
Latest Error Message
Show Ad
Load Ad - Load a new ad manually
Check Interstitial Ready - Check if the ad view ad is an active ad and can be displayed
How to use?
Make sure you've set up Admob for your app
(Do not forget to rebuild app)
Add Natively - Interstitial element on the page
Fill element fields
The Interstitial will set up automatically on the page load
Show ad view
(if 'Auto Ad Reload' is disabled) Listen to event 'Did dismiss ad ' event and call 'Load Ad' action
After each time the ad is shown to the user, you need to make sure the new ad is fetched (after the user dismisses the ad). It happens automatically, or you can do that manually. Do not forget to observe 'Did Load Ad' and 'Did dismiss ad' events.
How to use it?