If you're planning to use browser Geolocation API, make sure you've enabled the Geolocation feature for iOS (For Android, this feature is enabled by default)
🧋 Bubble.io Plugin
[Element] Natively - Location
Natively - Location element contains Foreground & Background location services:
📍 Foreground Location Tracking
Location received - User's location longitude & latitude values updated.
Location failed - called whenever Location service was not able to get user's location (check Latest location request status for more details)
Location Permission Received - called whenever Get location permission return a result
v2.13.4 - Location Background Service Status Received - called afrer Get background location service status
Latest location longitude - Longitude as number
Latest location latitude - Latitude as number
Latest location response status - Status of the latest geolocation request call.
SUCCESS - Got a location and desired accuracy level was achieved successfully.
TIMEOUT - Got a location, but the desired accuracy level was not reached before timeout.
FAILED - An error occurred while using the system location services.
Location permission
IN_USE - foreground allowed
ALWAYS - background allowed
DENIED - not determined or denied
v2.13.4 -BG Location Is Running - yes/no (will be changed on Stop/Start Background Location or Get background location service status)
Get current location
minAccuracy [iOS] - Radius in meters. All other values will be filtered!
accuractType [iOS] - Affects on location accuracy and battery life. BestForNavigation,Best,NearestTenMeters,HundredMeters,Kilometer,ThreeKilometers. More details here
Priority [Android] - "BALANCED" (To save battery, recommended) & "HIGH"
Start foreground location service - start fetching device location
minAccuracy [iOS] - Radius in meters. All other values will be filtered!
accuractType [iOS] - Affects on location accuracy and battery life. BestForNavigation,Best,NearestTenMeters,HundredMeters,Kilometer,ThreeKilometers. More details here
Priority [Android] - "BALANCED" (To save battery, recommended) & "HIGH"
Fetching Interval - Determines how often the location will be fetched. Interval in milliseconds. 5000ms -> 5s
Stop foreground location service - stop fetching device location
Get location permission - request location permission status update
v2.13.4 -Get background location service status - check if BG Location Service already running
On page reload, the foreground location tracking service will be automatically stopped. You need to run the Start foreground location service action.
🚙 Background location tracking - v2.1.0
Before using background geolocation, make sure you've enabled it in your Natively App Dashboard + Created a new build.
Latest location response status - Status of the latest background location service start/stop.
SUCCESS - Background location started/stopped successfully
FAILED - Background location started/stopped with an error.
Location background failed - Whenever starting of background service will fail
Location background success - Whenever starting of background service will succeed
Start background location service - start fetching device location
minAccuracy [iOS] - Radius in meters. All other values will be filtered!
accuractType [iOS] - Affects on location accuracy and battery life. BestForNavigation,Best,NearestTenMeters,HundredMeters,Kilometer,ThreeKilometers. More details here
Priority [Android] - "BALANCED" (To save battery, recommended) & "HIGH"
Fetching Interval - Determines how often the location will be fetched. Interval in milliseconds. 5000ms -> 5s
Response Identifier - Identifier that will be sent with a user's location (We're recommending using the user's unique id)
Stop background location service - stop fetching device location
Background geolocation can be automatically stopped in such cases: If the user or system closes the app, or if the device receives more than 3 errors in response from your endpoint.
Unlike foreground location service, the background will not stop on page reload
Coordinates -> Marker address
To convert longitude and latitude to the bubble's geolocation, you need to use this formula:
🛠 JavaScript SDK
Last updated
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