🎙️Native Audio Recorder
Available in >=2.8.0 (Bubble Plugin + JS SDK)
🧋 Bubble.io Plugin
[Element] Natively - Audio Recorder
Recorder Result Updated - get called after finished recording
Recorder Cancelled - get called after user close recorder (without recordings)
File Uploaded - get called after the file was successfully uploaded on S3 (You can find a file URL in element's state)
File Size over limit - Triggered when file size is more then File Size Limit param
Recorder Result (Base64) - Base64 string representation of a file, can be used for custom uploading
Recorder Result (Content Type) - image/png, image/jpeg or video/mp4
Uploaded File URL - Amazon S3 file URL
File Size - size of latest camera result file in KB
Show Recorder
Upload File - checkbox (Upload file to Amazon S3)
File Name - will be used if Upload File is checked
File Size Limit - (in KB) prevent uploading big files to Bubble's amazon S3
Max Duration (iOS) - max duration of recording in seconds (v2.8.2)
🛠 JavaScript SDK
Last updated
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