Push Notifications - OneSignal
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We are using OneSignal Service to provide a Push Notification functionality.
For now, we're not supporting Rich Push Notifications (with actions & images) This will be added soon.
On initialization, the element will try to get OneSignal Player Id and the current notification permission status. (No need to call it on the Page Is Load event)
OneSignal Player Id updated - get called when OneSignal Player Id was updated.
Notification permissions authorized - get called when the user clicks Allow on permission alert.
Notification permissions denied - get called when the user clicks Decline on permission alert.
Notification permissions status updated - get called when permission status was updated because of the user's action.
Permission Status - Yes or No.
OneSignal PlayerId - OneSignal Player Id's text value.
You will need the OneSignal PlayerId value to send a push notification. Take this value on the user's login and store it in a database. (For example, you can add a property to the user named player_id)
Request the user's push notification permission - displays a systems popup with your Notification Permissions Text
Open Settings - If yes and user's previously denied notification permission. A native alert will be shown with the option to open the app settings and turn on permission.
Get the user's OneSignal PlayerId - Reload the user's OneSignal PlayerId
Get the user's push notification permission status
We do not recommend sending the Push Notification on the client side, better to use backend workflows. But if you want to test push in the Natively Preview app, you need to send it on the client side (After testing, just put it on backend workflow).
OneSignal - PlayerIds - Send Push - Add a field to User's object to store Player Id
OneSignal - Segments - Send Push - Use this if you need OneSignal Segments
All parameters in these actions are pretty the same. The difference is only in the Data Source section.
Subtitle [iOS]
Redirect Url - The url that will be opened if user's click on push (Optional)
Template ID - Check out OneSignal template documentation for more details
Data Source:
OneSignal - PlayerIds - Send Push action
List Type
Player ID field
If your USER has a field that contains MULTIPLE PLAYER_IDs, please use "OneSignal - User Multiple PlayerIds - Send Push" action. It has a field named player_ids which is a list of text.
OneSignal - Segments - Send Push action
Included - provide here a list of segments (separated by comma) that needs to be included in your push sending action
Excluded - provide here a list of segments (separated by comma) that needs to be excluded from your push sending action
The value should be like this: Active Users, Inactive Users
Android Channel Id - you need to paste your one signal channel id
iOS Sound - set "natively.wav" if you wanna to use custom sound
Request Push Notification permission whenever you need it.
The OneSignal status is updated during app initialization. As a result, any changes to the permission status will take effect on the second app launch, after the user has granted or denied permission.
Save PlayerID to your user model
Send Push Notification to PlayerID you need (Backend workflow is recommended)
Send Push examples:
If you need to have several apps in the App Store for one Bubble website (for example Seller & Buyer apps). In this case, you can override OneSignal appId, to send a push in a different app.
How to set up?
Make sure you've prepared your app and OneSignal for Push Notifications.
call requestPermissionIOS (required for both iOS & Android).
call getOneSignalId (will return PlayerId).
Save PlayerId somewhere (for example, save it in the user's playerId property).
There are 2 options:
Send it with Natively SDK from your website (Which might be useful if running the app in a Preview Mode):
2. Other options provided by OneSignal (NodeJS SDK, WebAPI, etc.)
More information about OneSignal you can read in their documentation.
Natively sendPushNotification method doesn't support custom notification sound. Please use OneSignal API directly for it. Use android_channel_id and (ios_sound with "natively.wav" value)
Go to OneSignal App -> Settings -> Messaging
Scroll down to Android Notification Channels ->Click "Add Channel"
Scroll Down to "Sound" -> Add "natively" + Set Importance to Urgent or High
Copy Channel ID
Paste where you use it (Plugin or OneSignal API) + IMPORTANT: reinstall your Android app
Request the user's notification permission. You can do that in any necessary place. For example: show a popup that explains to the user's why your app needs it (so, it can be a better experience when just displaying a system popup)
Identify a user. By using player id.
Check a player_id value on each login (It can be changed)