🍏iOS App


App Store Credentials

Please follow these steps to generate your API Key:

In the organization type of apple account, only admins or the owner can access this tab. But in personal only the owner.

  • If you see the Request Access button, click on it.

  • If you haven't added any key before, click on the Generate API Key. Otherwise, select the Add button (+).

  • A popup will appear. Enter your API Key Information:

    • Name: Enter a name for the key. This is a reference and is not part of the key itself.

    • Access: Select the access type App Manager

  • When you are done, select Generate.

  • Find the row for the API Key you just generated and select Download API Key. A popup will appear, select Download.

Bundle Identifier

Generate Bundle ID

Natively will automatically generate a bundle identifier for your app, otherwise, you can create your own.

Create Own Bundle ID

A Bundle Identifier (ID) is a unique number that identifies your app inside of the Apple ecosystem.

If it's a personal Apple account, only the owner can create a Bundle ID

Please follow these steps to create a Bundle ID or use a shortcut link to skip these steps:

  • Return to our platform and fill the Bundle Identifier field with Bundle ID (Note: No need to copy App ID Prefix it's not App Store App ID)


App Store App Id

App Store Connect is used to submit apps to the App Store, manage apps, and more.

  • Navigate to App Store Connect and then select My Apps.

  • Click on the Add button (+) and then select New App.

  • A popup will appear. Enter your app information:

    • Platform: for mobile apps, this will be iOS.

    • Name: Enter a Name for your app (this is the name that will show in the App Store).

    • Primary Language for your app.

    • Bundle ID: Select the Bundle ID you created in the previous step.

    • SKU: Enter a unique identifier. You can also add your Bundle ID here, as long as it is unique.

    • User Access: Set the user access. If you select Limited Access, you will need to select the users that you would like to be able to access this app. This will only appear if you have other users included in your App Store Connect account.

  • When you are done, select Create.

  • Then you will be navigated to the main dashboard for your app. (Note: sometimes it takes a few minutes to create the app, just reload the page and navigate to your app)

  • Select App Information (under General in the left Sidebar**).**

  • Scroll down to General Information and find your Apple ID.

  • Select the Apple ID and **** copy it.

  • Return to our platform and fill the App Store App Id field with Apple ID


Last updated