đ§ Bubble.io Plugin
[Element] Natively - Device
Refresh App Info action will be called on element load, so you can access it asap.
Make sure to not add a lot of 'Natively - Device' elements because it will send a request to a device each time on load.
App Info received
App went foreground - User opened the app - available starting from v2.12.2
App went background - User minimized the app (closed without exiting) - available starting from v2.12.2
Device - Device model (iOS can be decoded with this list)
OS Version - Android/iOS version
App Version
Build Number
Natively SDK Version
OS Name - "Android" / "iOS"
isDarkMode - Yes / No
Orientation - "PORTRAIT" / "LANDSCAPE"
Refresh App Info
đ JavaScript SDK
Device App Info
resp.device value for iOS can be decoded with this list
Need to recognize the app and the web users? Check this out: Browser Info
Last updated